Somewhere a Clock is Ticking…

So NaNoWriMo starts in seven days. This terrifies and exhilarates.

I’ve been faithfully (okay not that faithfully—I’ve been a total slacker with spurts of industriousness) outlining The Silver Crane via the Snowflake method, and have pretty much all of Step Eight left. Step Eight, for those who don’t know, involve a complete break down of all the scenes in one’s novel. Ridiculously useful, but also takes a while to develop. I’m currently still in Chapter, um, One. I am pretty excited about the story—if I can get my mess of multiple story-lines untangled, it should be really fun to write. Yay!!

On The Whale and the Tree front, I just finished reading the second draft which I’m pretty pleased with overall (though I’m not sure I like what I did to the ending). I’m hoping to hack through some corrections, proof my query letter and synopsis, and send them off to my list of nine different agents before NaNo. Um, yeah, I need to get on that, too.

On another note, I’ve been reading (albeit slowly) The Ball and the Cross by G. K. Chesterton, and it is hilarious and awesome. Do yourself a favor and get yourself a copy a-sap!

Also, the new Keane album Perfect Symmetry came out last week and, after a few moments of doubt, I can happily announce that it is FANTASTIC. I’ve nothing further to add on the subject. 🙂

Happy last-seven-days-before-madness-hits!


Guess what?


Second draft of The Whale and the Tree is in the bag! Excessively exciting. I’m going to be sending it round to a handful of people (you know who you are!) as soon as I get my file sorted out properly. And I might be sending query letters out before nano starts. Maybe. I’m feeling pretty good about this second draft! Next task for the day: get my grubby paws on a hard copy of Whale and the Tree.2, and order me a t-shirt and mug as soon as NaNoWriMo’s servers come back up.

That, and start Snowflaking this year’s NaNo novel. Hopefully I can find an ending. And some character names. I will keep you posted.

Happy October!
