Where there’s life, there’s hope… Maybe?

The short story lives! Between yesterday and today I wrote over 3K on a massive wave of inspiration. I wrote the ending, and the very beginning, and I think it’s pretty awesome. But I still have no middle. And it’s super disjointed. And it currently sits at 12,651 words, which would be manageable to cut down to 10K—you know, if I had a middle already. :-/ I really don’t know what to do next. This is probably why I usually outline. And write linearly. All that jazz. At least it’s looking like a possibility that I’ll have a fully formed story by the end of the month. Ish. My goal is to have the whole first draft done by next week, so I’ll have time to put it aside for a few days before I dive into editing it and making it all shiny for submission on June 30th. I don’t know, we’ll see!!

Finished The Runaway King. Liked it all right, but it wasn’t my favorite. It just felt kind of forced or something and I didn’t really connect with the characters. 😦

I also read Nancy Werlin’s Extraordinary over the weekend (it went so quick it didn’t ever make it to my “Currently Reading” tab) and I LOVED IT SO MUCH. I could NOT put it down. The language and characters drew me in from the beginning and it was just a fabulous read. It’s basically about evil faeries manipulating the MC Phoebe’s life to try and get her to pay up on a promise made by her many-greats grandfather. It reminded me of Fire and Hemlock, which is always a good thing. Lovely, lovely book. In fact I’m pretty sure it’s what spurred me on to do so much writing this week!