Two Things

Well, two good things to report!

1. My mom and I have CHALLENGED each other to get a certain amount of work done on our respective projects by March 7th—if we do, we get to go to Baskin & Robin. 😀 My specific goal is to get all new/rewritten scenes done and have my manuscript ready for a next-draft edit, by which I mean I’ll start at page one and read everything, including new bits, and make changes as I go to work new material into old, etc. It makes sense in my head. 🙂

2. My husband and I cleaned out our back room, which means we both have access to our desks and I have a legit writing space!! If only I use it for good and not distraction, I mean evil. 🙂
Okay. Off to watch today’s Lizzie Bennet Diary before I get to work. Obviously!!